Moi University Management Responds to Locals After Holding Demonstrations


Moi University Management has come out clearly to defend itself after residents on Monday demonstrated calling for the removal of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kosgey

According to Prof. Kuremu R. Tenge – Principal, College of Health Sciences (Representing Vice-Chancellor the allegations are false and ill-intended.
He said the institution is dedicated to fostering a positive relationship with the local community and appreciates their vigilance in holding us accountable.

“We encourage an ongoing dialogue to address these concerns and work collectively toward resolutions that benefit everyone involved. The Vice-Chancellor believes that the best way to ensure a cordial working relationship with the community is through structured dialogue and not demonstrations,” he said.

On the allegations of unlawful dismissal of staff, Prof. Tenge said the University is committed to fair employment practices at all times.

“On University workers being on CRB, the University Management will endeavor to clear all outstanding loans to free our members from being listed and denied the much-needed loans for personal growth and development,” said the Principal, College of Health Sciences.

He further noted that despite residents Saying that Elimu Miller Machine was closed down it’s Operational and that they are working towards optimizing production to full capacity.

“Our wish is to engage the community to supply maize to the Millers at the market continually. We have already advertised for tenders and urge the community to come on board,” he said.
The University management further said that the 48 casual laborers will soon be reinstated saying that each case is under review, and those not culpable have already been reinstated.
Prof Masibo LumalaDirector, Institute of Open and Distance E-Learning
Moi University noted that all former casual laborers are now on contract employment terms.

“The University is committed to corporate social responsibility initiatives within the local community. Discussions have been held by the local leadership to enhance CSR activities including Tree planting soap making, use of biogas, Water supply, and use of sewerage University by the Talai and Chaibaywo Centre communities,” said Prof Masibo.

On unprocedural Transfers, Masibo said it is a matter of Human Resources, and guided HR Policy and Manual for efficient running of the University, especially where there have been cases of attritions.

He further said that the University Management respects the roles of union officials and is committed to working collaboratively with them to address staff concerns.

“The University has always encouraged open lines of communication and continues to address matters touching on the CBAs as brought forth by the Unions,” he said.

On Missing Marks and Student Issues Prof Masibo said an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is in place to address concerns related to missing marks and other student-related issues.

“This system has significantly streamlined processes and enhanced efficiency in handling academic matters. The students are now able to access their marks and other services through the ERP portal,” he said.

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