Tumeiyo Farmers Cooperative Receives Brand New Pickup Truck Worth Sh4.1 million


Tumeiyo Farmers Cooperative in Kabiemit Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County has received a brand new pickup truck worth Sh4.1 million from the County Government to facilitate the collection and transportation of milk to the Kamet Union in Metkei.

The vehicle was handed over to the cooperative by Mr. Robert Kangogo, the County Government’s Cooperatives and Trade CEC.

In his remarks during the handover ceremony, Mr. Kangogo urged the cooperative members to ensure the prudent utilization of the vehicle, emphasizing its significance in addressing the transport challenges they had faced in the past while delivering milk to collection centres. He expressed the County Government’s commitment to supporting and empowering cooperatives in the County, noting that they play a crucial role in boosting the economic well-being of farmers and promoting agricultural development.

In response, the cooperative members expressed their gratitude to the County Government for the support towards the purchase of the vehicle, reiterating its positive impact on their milk earnings. Mr. Leonard Kimutai, a representative of the cooperative, highlighted the cost-effective nature of the vehicle compared to the bodabodas they had previously relied on, which would lead to increased earnings for the farmers. He also commended Governor Rotich for his efforts in reviving cooperatives in the County, recognizing their potential as catalysts for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

Overall, the procurement of the pickup truck for Tumeiyo Farmers Cooperative is a significant step towards enhancing milk production and marketing in the region, while also promoting the well-being of local farmers. The support from the County Government demonstrates its commitment to strengthening cooperatives and fostering a thriving agricultural sector.

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