Dr. Bishop Elizabeth Thuiya A Prayer Warrior


Our news desk can authoritatively report without an aorta of doubt that Dr. Bishop, her Grace Prof. Elizabeth Thuiya is a God Fearing prayer warrior.

Dr. Prof Elizabeth Thuiya. She is a respected prayer warrior

Dr. Prof Thuiya is forthright, charismatic, caring, intelligent and above all down to earth.

The donnes the tenets of upholding highest degree of integrity, transparency and a strong commitment and zeal to praise God.

She chaired an annual general meeting of the House of Clergy which was highly attended.

Dr. Prof. Thuiya implored upon the church not to relent in praying for our leaders and above all advocating for good governance which includes respect for the rule of law.


Add to this that Bishop Prof Elizabeth Thuiya have been traveling in nations &in Kenya spearheading Revival with Clergy Leadership under House of Clergy Umbrella body that has Clergy in 47county

She is the national Chair /Patron of House of Clergy Umbrella body which has structure of leader in 47County

She is deputized by a Renown Man of God Apostle Chris Namale who is the Deputy patron of House of Clergy with so many other men of God all over Kenya ..


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