Kakamega Governor Barasa and Odinga Launches ODM Party Membership Registration Drive


Kakamega Governor Fernandez Barasa and ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga today launched the ODM Party membership registration drive in Kakamega County.

The initial exercise will cover Khayega in Shinyalu Sub-County and Bukura in Lurambi Sub-County.

Governor Barasa said he is committed to facilitating the revitalization of the party in preparation for grassroots elections scheduled for April 2024.

“We are determined to strengthen the ODM Party from the grassroots up,” said Governor Barasa. “We are confident that with the support of our members, we will continue to be a force for good in Kenya.”

Party Leader Odinga praised Governor Barasa’s leadership and commitment to the ODM Party.

“Governor Barasa is a true leader of the people,” said Party Leader Odinga. “He is working tirelessly to make Kakamega County a better place for all.”

The membership registration drive will continue throughout Kakamega County in the coming weeks.

About the ODM Party

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party is a social democratic political party in Kenya. It is the largest opposition party in the country. The ODM Party was founded in 2007 out of a merger of several opposition parties. The party’s stated goals are to promote democracy, social justice, and economic development in Kenya.

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