Wajir MP Kicks Off Development, Meet-the People Tour


As most leaders have retreated for the holidays, Wajir South MP Hon Mohammed Adow embarked on a development and meet-the-people tour of his constituency. Another reminder that serving his people at all times remains a core tenet of his leadership philosophy.

The legislator had a jam-packed schedule on Thursday, kicking off the day with a visit to Matana Village, where he oversaw the deployment of a rig to drill water for locals who have grappled with water scarcity issues for long.

He then proceeded to lay the foundation stone for the Omar Pilot Secondary School in Dadajabula. His entourage later snaked its way to a Madrassa funds drive organized by local Sheikhs before gracing the Nikkah ceremony for Salat Mohammed and his bride, Rahma Idle Hussein.

Hon Adow made a stop in Sarif, where he interacted with the locals and got to listen to their concerns before proceeding to Arablow, where he had another fruitful interactive session with residents.

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