Eldoret National Polytechnic: A Multifaceted Gem in Kenya’s Agricultural Landscape


Eldoret National Polytechnic, nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, has carved a remarkable niche for itself in the realm of agriculture.

Its journey began in 1985, blossoming into a premier TVET institution with over 17,800 students across diverse disciplines like agriculture, engineering, and business.

But beyond academics, Eldoret National Polytechnic has established itself as a powerhouse in dairy farming, earning accolades for its dedication to excellence and its commitment to nurturing future generations of agricultural leaders.

Dairy Farming: A Bovine Beacon of Success
According to the Chief Principal ,the polytechnic’s dairy farm is a symphony of mooing contentment and meticulous management.

“ Home to a herd of 50 pedigree Ayrshire cows, this farm produces a daily bounty of 200 liters of milk, nourishing both the college community and the wider market through sales to New KCC and local customers,” he said.
But what truly sets Eldoret National Polytechnic’s dairy farm apart is its unwavering focus on quality and sustainability.

The cows are pampered with pedigree registration, meticulous record-keeping through the Kenya Livestock Breeders Association (KLBA), and access to top-notch breeding practices. “This dedication has borne fruit, with the farm partnering with prestigious institutions like the Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre (KAGRC) and ADC Kitale Livestock Genetic Center, supplying them with breeding bulls and heifers, “noted the Chief Principal.

A Learning Oasis for Budding Agriculturists
He says the Eldoret National Polytechnic’s dairy farm transcends mere commercial success but also serves as a vibrant learning hub, where students enrolled in agriculture-related courses gain invaluable practical experience. “From tending to the cows and understanding milking techniques to delving into the intricacies of animal husbandry and record-keeping, these students graduate not just with knowledge, but with the confidence gleaned from hands-on experience,” he said.

Beyond the Moo: A Tapestry of Agricultural Delights

The polytechnic’s agricultural prowess extends far beyond the bovine domain. Lush fields house a thriving poultry unit with 2,000 chickens, cheerfully clucking their way to laying around 400 eggs daily. “A bustling piggery, with 80 residents at various stages of growth, provides meat for the college kitchen and local sales. Even the humble sheep find their place, with 60 Dorper sheep grazing contentedly, destined for breeding or meat sales,” he noted.

A Symphony of Sustainability and Innovation
Eldoret National Polytechnic’s commitment to sustainability shines through its dedication to resourcefulness.
The farm cultivates 30 acres of maize for silage, minimizing reliance on external feed sources. Biogas production further reduces the farm’s environmental footprint, while a thriving bee colony adds a touch of sweetness and ecological balance.
“Innovation is another key melody in the polytechnic’s agricultural symphony. The research center, fueled by funds from CICan, is actively exploring ways to develop cheaper chicken feed using alternative protein and carbohydrate sources. This not only benefits the farm’s own bottom line but also holds immense potential for empowering local farmers with cost-effective feed solutions,” he says.

Beyond the Farm: Building Bridges and Generating Revenue
Eldoret National Polytechnic’s reach extends far beyond the farm gates.
“ The institution has forged valuable partnerships with Tarakwa Dairies, Mobius Motors, CICan, and Bajaj, offering students precious internship and attachment opportunities in diverse fields like agriculture and automotive engineering,” Koech said.
Furthermore, the polytechnic embraces the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment, recognizing and valuing the skills and knowledge of experienced artisans in fields like spray painting and panel beating. This not only empowers individuals but also generates an additional revenue stream for the institution.

A Place for Learning, a Hub for Innovation, a Beacon of Success
Eldoret National Polytechnic’s story is one of unwavering dedication, meticulous management, and a deep-rooted commitment to nurturing not just crops and livestock, but also future generations of agricultural leaders.
Its dairy farm stands as a testament to its excellence, while its diverse agricultural tapestry showcases its commitment to sustainability and innovation. From its classrooms to its farms, Eldoret National Polytechnic is weaving a vibrant future for Kenyan agriculture, one moo, cluck, and green thumb at a time.

Partnership with Tarakwa Dairies, Mobius Motors, CICan and Bajaj
He says the institution has partnered with these institutions in areas of agriculture and automotive engineering to offer their students attachments and internships for practical lessons. CICan has further offered the institution equipment and is currently working together to develop a curriculum of feed formulation for animals. Bajaj has capacity built their trainers on the repair, maintenance of motor cycles so as to instill the same knowledge on trainees.

Research on Cheaper Animal Feeds
The college research centre has received funds from CICan to commercialize innovations and testing of prototypes as one way of providing linkages with the industry. The funds are meant to develop cheaper chicken feeds using alternative proteins and carbohydrates sources. The current protein sources like soya beans, fish meal, pearl millet and maize seed are very expensive and now the college intends to develop black soldiers fly as a replacement, which they will then use in their farm and also sell to local farms.

Conference facilities and Guest House
The institution has set aside part of their facilities to establish conference facilities and a 50-room guest rooms that they rent out to corporate clients, institutions and members of the public. This is a major revenue stream that racks in between Sh500,000 to Sh3,000,000 a month depending the clientele.

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