Dr. Ekrah Ndung’u reflection of 2023


Dr.Ekrah Ndungu is the CEO of the German Institute of Professional Studies, based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is also an Educational consultant(TVET Expert); corporate trainer; an Advisor, a career coach and Mentor; an Inspirational & motivational speaker in Africa. She is a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach & Women Empowerment coach from Transformational Leadership Academy, USA and is a certified Life Coach, besides being a careers, confidence, and women empowerment Coach…. Serves as Chairperson Welfare Committee of Chief executive officers Association (Association of Christian CEOs in Kenya), she’s also the National Chairperson Kenya National Association of private Colleges(KENAPCO) the umbrella body of all private colleges in Kenya.

She takes a moment to reflect on the just ended year 2023.
“2023 ends on a Sunday and I’ve decided to have my own sermon,preach to myself. My late mum used to do this,she could preach to us before going to church ⛪️ or after church ⛪️….this verse got my attention today Isaih 54:10…..as we reflect on new years eve and reminisce of 2023…

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10….

In 2024 He will not leave us or forsake us. He invites us to speak to Him with our words. He also promises to hear the inarticulate groanings of our hearts. We may not understand what is happening to us, around us, and in us, but we can speak to God openly and honestly about our struggles, as the book of Job reminds us.

In 2024 Abba Father, all power, praise, glory and honor to him, for He is our Powerful God, our Fortress of Refuge, our God of infinite wisdom and compassion…who passionately loves us and has promised to keep a covenant of peace for us.

Keep calm in 2024, reflecting on your lessons learnt from 2020. 2020 the Covid19 year made us stronger than ever, 2020 made us resilient. Ever wondered why God preserved you after 4million people died of the Covid19 pandemic globally?? Think about that before complaining about anything that you’ve not achieved in 2023.

Toxic people may have constantly tried a smear campaign on your name several times but you survived and the human cameras following your life daily waiting for your downfall, but God spared you that too in 2023.

Happy New years eve,the Beautiful year ends,it may not have been the best year for everyone, but remember the sun and the moon shine their own time,better days ahead always…..your season to shine will come, those who had the best, celebrate with humility….it’s Grace not that you’re very wise… Just GRACE. Canopy of GRACE kept you ✨️.God favored you in 2023, be grateful. Do not be tempted to chest thump that you’re a strategist or it’s hardwork. You can do everything right and still fail…Nokia didn’t do anything wrong & they failed…. you could have all you ducks in a row but things still can go wrong.There’s always a higher power than your beautiful strategies and swiftness. Be grateful,celebrate with humility.

The difficult experiences you may have encountered on your 2023 journey it’s because the next year requires a strong you,the positive attitude to keep!!

Keep hope alive,God is about to give a blank page of 365days,fill in the pages in prayer n hope…. Not forgetting hope is not a strategy, you’ve to have a plan. In 2024 allow God to write ✍️ your story do not snatch Him the pen.

Smiles & silence ✌ 2024. Keep on!

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