Kenya Mining Sector’s Pledges to work with the President to demystify mining as an economic activity


The Kenya Chamber of Mines (KCM) has pledged to work with the Kenya Kwanza administration to demystify mining as an economic activity.

According to Dr. Kanyoro Patrick
Chairman – Kenya Chamber of Mines.
Over the last decade, the mining industry has unfortunately only managed a meager
average of 0.7% to Kenya’s GDP, despite its latent potential.

“As an industry, we are certain that we can
drive our sector’s contribution to 10% to Kenya’s GDP; more than USD 10 billion well before year 2030. We are the sector that offers the promise for employment and wealth creation at the least cost to the exchequer, across Kenya,” Said Dr Kanyoro.

Mining as an economic activity he said,has the capacity to create well over two (2) million jobs besides the obvious
benefit to contributing towards Kenya’s industrialization.

He stated KCM leadership and membership fully support of the Bottom Up Transformation Agenda (BETA). citing, there could be no better sector to roll out the agenda; mining offers that platform.

“ ASMs, especially those in gemstones and gold, will greatly benefit from joining cooperatives as they will have the opportunity to ride on economies of scale, both in production and marketing. Kenya has an opportunity to stand as a bastion of investment and economic progress by embracing the concept of madini jua kali,” Said Dr Kanyoro.

The KCM chairman,commended the government for extending respectable budgetary support to the State Department for Mining so as to facilitate the staff render service and reach out to the field.

“ We yearn to see more geologists and mining engineers render technical support to the ASMs across villages in Kenya. This kind gesture will facilitate investments through exploration, mining, mineral dealership and processing by more
Kenyans”, He said.

The Kenya Chamber of Mines (KCM) is the authoritative body in Kenya representing the interests of miners, exploration companies, mineral dealers, mineral processors, suppliers and professionals in Kenya.

Established in the year 2000, KCM serves the artisanal and small scale miners as well as the large scale operators across Kenya.

KCM currently is the voice of nearly one million stakeholders, engaged at various
levels across Kenya’s mineral sector value chain.

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