Micro Small Entreprises Authority (MSEA) Managing Director and CEO Henry Rithaa has taken a moment to share with us his goodwill message as we approach the New year 2024.

“First is to appreciate the government, especially His Excellency the President, Dr. William Ruto, for focusing so much on national attention and resources on MSEs.

My message to MSEs:

Thanks for your support both to the Government agenda in general,and MSEA’s mandate in particular. Nothing can be achieved without sacrifice and patriotism: values well espoused by Kenyan MSEs in 2023.

As we enter 2024,we promise the MSEs continued support to make your businesses better,and guide MSEs towards a growth, export oriented trajectory. Our focus will be on improving MSE productivity by enhancing our value chain based support towards MSE sector specific production equipment/infrastructure,Financing and capacity building. We hope to finally have the Start up bill enacted to support startups as we work with other stakeholders to broaden the financing products under the Hustler Fund.

Generally, I believe that the measures taken by the KK government in year 1 created a strong foundation for a vibrant MSE economy in Year 2024.

My greetings to all MSEs,and best wishes for 2024.”

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