Senator Mandago’s New Year Message: A Dawn of Hope for Uasin Gishu


As the clock strikes midnight, ushering in the New Year, I, Senator Jackson Mandago, stand before you, not just as your elected representative, but as a fellow citizen of this vibrant county, Uasin Gishu. It is with immense pride and a heart brimming with hope that I extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you.

The year 2023 has been a tapestry woven with threads of both hardship and triumph. We faced challenges that tested our resolve, from personal struggles to collective anxieties. But through it all, the spirit of Uasin Gishu shone brightly. We stood together, shoulder to shoulder, offering unwavering support and drawing strength from our shared history. This unwavering resilience, this spirit of “Harambee,” is the very bedrock upon which our county thrives.

As we step into the New Year, let us carry this spirit with us, like a torch illuminating the path ahead. Let us pray for the gift of good health, for it is the wellspring from which all dreams flow. Let us pray for peace, for it is the fertile ground where prosperity takes root. And let us pray for unity, for in our shared purpose lies the key to unlocking a brighter future.

In the Senate, I have been your voice, championing your concerns and striving to translate your aspirations into tangible realities. In the coming year, I pledge to redouble my efforts. I will continue to fight for improved healthcare, accessible education, and robust infrastructure that empowers our communities. I will be your advocate for economic opportunities that fuel growth and prosperity, and for a society where every child, every family, has the chance to reach their full potential.

But my commitment extends beyond the halls of Parliament. I believe the true power lies within each and every one of you. In your hands rests the ability to build a better Uasin Gishu, a county where innovation thrives, where creativity blossoms, and where compassion binds us together.

So, let this New Year be a year of action, a year of taking ownership of our destiny. Let us be the architects of our own dreams, let us be the builders of bridges, and let us be the beacons of hope for ourselves and for generations to come.

May the New Year dawn upon you with blessings of abundant joy, prosperity, and fulfillment. May every household know warmth, every heart know contentment, and every dream find wings to soar.

From the depths of my being, I wish you, my fellow citizens of Uasin Gishu, a Happy New Year.

Yours in service and solidarity,

Senator Jackson Mandago

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