Dr. Boss Albert’s New Year Message: ETTI’s Journey of Excellence Continues in 2024


As the festive lights dim and the first dawn of 2024 paints the sky, I, Dr. Boss Albert, Principal of Eldoret Technical Training Institute (ETTI), stand before you, not just to usher in a new year, but to celebrate the remarkable journey we’ve shared within the hallowed halls of ETTI.

2023 was a tapestry woven with challenges and triumphs, threads of resilience intertwined with the vibrant hues of academic pursuit. We braved the storms of change, embraced innovation, and emerged stronger, our collective spirit a testament to the unwavering support of our students, parents, and faculty.

To our students, the architects of tomorrow: Your thirst for knowledge is the fuel that ignites our passion. Your dedication in the face of academic hurdles inspires us to push boundaries and refine our curriculum. You are not mere faces in classrooms, but the beating heart of ETTI, and your success stories resonate beyond graduation, echoing in the success of our institution.

To our parents, the pillars of trust: We understand the weight of your hopes and the depth of your dreams for your children. Your unwavering support, be it a word of encouragement or a helping hand, nourishes their ambitions and strengthens our resolve. We pledge to be worthy stewards of your trust, crafting not just skilled graduates, but confident individuals empowered to carve their own paths in the world.

To our faculty and staff, the guardians of knowledge: You are the architects of transformation, the sculptors of young minds. Your expertise, dedication, and passion illuminate the corridors of ETTI, turning classrooms into crucibles of innovation and laboratories of practical knowledge. Your unwavering commitment is the bedrock of our success, and your relentless pursuit of excellence inspires us all.

But as we bid farewell to 2023, our gaze is firmly fixed on the horizon. In 2024, the ETTI journey continues, fueled by an ardent desire to surpass even our greatest achievements. Our compass will be guided by the following:

A curriculum in lockstep with industry: We will remain agile, aligning our programs with the ever-evolving needs of the job market, ensuring our graduates possess the skills and knowledge that are not just relevant, but sought-after.
Innovation as the cornerstone of learning: We will embrace cutting-edge technology and equipment, transforming classrooms into immersive learning environments where theoretical knowledge dances with practical application.
Industry partnerships, pathways to success: We will strengthen our ties with leading companies, paving the way for valuable internship opportunities and real-world exposure for our students, bridging the gap between academia and the professional arena.
A community that fosters inclusivity: At ETTI, every student deserves to thrive. We will continue to cultivate a welcoming and supportive environment where diverse talents are nurtured, individual needs are addressed, and success knows no bounds.
As we embark on this next chapter, let us walk with confidence, hand in hand, students, parents, faculty, and staff, a united force propelling ETTI towards even greater heights. May 2024 be a year etched with boundless opportunities, remarkable achievements, and shared success, a testament to the unwavering spirit of the ETTI family.

I, Dr. Boss Albert, stand before you not just as Principal, but as a fellow traveler on this remarkable journey. Together, let us write the next chapter of ETTI’s legacy, a chapter inscribed with excellence, innovation, and a shared commitment to shaping the future of technical and vocational education in Kenya and beyond.

Happy New Year, ETTI family! May the year ahead be one of boundless possibilities and shared triumphs.


Dr. Boss Albert

Principal, Eldoret Technical Training Institute (ETTI)

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