Housing PS Charles Hinga

Principal Secretary for Housing Charles Hinga has taken a moment to share with us his kind thoughts for the New Year 2024.
My dear colleagues, about 2000 years ago, Jesus told his disciples that on this rock I’ll build my church and the gates of hades shall not prevail.

Our President last night in his New Year’s Eve message to Kenyans said that on this pillar of housing, brick by brick we shall implement the 3rd liberation of our county, that of social justice to all Kenyans indiscriminately & in the spirit of shared prosperity.

My dear comrades, as the realization of the new year dawns on us, let’s remember the work we do as a state department, behind it are faces, hopes and dreams. Many, we will never get to meet them but they are certainly worthy of our service.

Your work will be an answered prayer to someone who went to bed last night wondering where God is. Let’s not take this as any other job. In your own way, your contribution is making a huge difference in someone’s life and for that alone, let’s double down our efforts, no matter the noise and resistance. When all is said and done, we are on the right side of history.

Housing PS Charles Hinga

I thank God for each and everyone of you and grateful that we are walking this journey of transforming our country & lives together. When the history books are written, and the story of the next Singapore is written, your work will be a whole chapter.

Happy New Year to you all and to your loved ones. I look forward to working with each and everyone one of you to fulfill this prophetic dispensation of social justice for all.

Once again Happy New Year.

Yours truly, Hinga”

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