Goodwill Message from aak president


The President of the Architectural Association of Kenya Arch. Florence Nyole is kindhearted, forthright charismatic and above all is endowed with a golden heart.

She took a moment to wish us well this New year.

“Happy New Year 2024!

I am grateful to God for the season that 2023 was.

To all those who made it successful in all my spheres of influence #architecture #leadership #friendship and most important #family, asanteni sana. 🙏🏽

As you reflect on 2023 and celebrate a new year 2024 I wish you a beautiful year ahead, full of hope and blessings in all your endeavours.”

From our desk we reciprocate those powerful words by praying that God will astonish Arch. Florence Nyole with good health of body mind and soul, countenance, prosperity beyond human understanding and above all grace after another

Here is to 2024 with so much more! 🥂”

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