Do You Want to Marry or be Married Soon


The first thing is to take your SECRET PRAYERS seriously. Your divine partner can’t meet you except God arranges both of you to meet. Give yourself to prayer in the secret. Consistent prayer!

Learn how to mingle and relate especially with the opposite sex. You can’t lock yourself indoors and expect a partner to jump into your room through the roof.

Learn how to dress well and appear neat. Your appearance matters alot. You can’t appear like a jungle dweller and expect a person to rush to you. Smell good. Don’t give a bad packaging and branding to yourself.

Let important people in your life know that you are single and trusting God for a life partner. Let your boss, pastor, mentor and parents know because they could facilitate your meeting the right partner through their recommendation. They can recommend you to eligible and marriageable opposite sex.

Give yourself to learning. Read healthy and inpired books on marriage eg Messages to youngpeople, Letters to young lovers, Adventist home, Smart love, to have and to hold etc.. Listen to good tapes on marriage and relationship. Feed your mind with godly principles on spousal and marital relationship. Be renewed in your inner mind on the subject of marriage.

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