Ousted Uasin Gishu Nominated MCA’s Blame Sudi,Wainaina and Sholei For Their Misfortunes


This comes after the High Court in Eldoret upheld the ruling revoking the nomination of 9 MCAs to the Uasin Gishu County Assembly.

Led by Maina Wachira said that their dismissal by the court of law was politically instigated.

“I can say without fear of contradiction that the supremacy battles between the two leaders have led to the revocation of our nomination. We have been used as sacrificial lambs for their fights,” said Wachira.

Wachira also accused nominated MP Joseph Wainaina for also interfering with the process for his own personal gains.
“Instead they should take their wars to parliament and leave the County Assembly alone,” added Rhoda Chelagat Kemboi.

They called on President William Ruto to intervene for sanity to prevail.

“President Ruto you are our only hope we worked for the party and now see how we are being paid. I was the only representative for the Muslims and now I am out who will represent them now,” nominated MCAS Sarah Abdi noted.

Another nominated MCA Magrina Kebenei says “ As I am talking we took loans after being nominated to the County Assembly, who will pay for our loans? Or do you want us to die due to stress,”

Hassan Chepkoech Said wondered why nominated MP Joseph Wainaina and Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi have an interest in the nomination list.

“Wainaina and Sudi have doctored where the majority are now coming from their constituencies. President intervenes for us to go back to work,” she said.

Nancy Kiboi notes” We want justice since we don’t believe in the Court ruling and money has been poured for our downfall and we won’t allow it to happen,”

The aggrieved list of MCAs who have lost their jobs include James Wachira, Belinda Chebichi, David Waiganjo, Rhodah Cheruiyot, Nancy Kiboi Hassan Chepkoech, Sarah Abdi, Magrine Chebet, and Juliet

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