Eldoret: Stakeholders Hold Femicide Procession


Various stakeholders from Uasin Gishu held a Femicide Procession in Eldoret town.

Their procession started from Central Primary to Nandi Gardens their message being to stop killing men.

Mercy Jepkirui a nominated MCA and a feminist activist says it’s sad that men who kill women are known to them.

“As women, we want the penalty for men who kill women to be a death sentence. The government should declare femicide a National emergency,” said Jepkurui during the procession.

Benedine Kipruto the chair of Civil Society Network Uasin Gishu County says law enforcers should arrest and charge those involved in these heinous acts.

Emily Chepkuto from Uasin Gishu Civil Society Network added that the government should come up with programs that will empower women financially.

“All of this is happening because women are vulnerable and breadwinners but if they will be empowered this will be a thing of the past,” she said.

David Lelei says, ”Men should come out and be assisted, killing women is not the solution, mental issues can be solved without anyone’s life being involved.”

Uasin Gishu Youth leader Ben Kibet noted that the government should come up with a law that if anyone is found to have murdered stern actions should be taken against them.

Miriam Suleiman from the Center Against Torture says that men should leave women alone if they can’t handle them.
“Don’t take them to lodge then kill them, stop killing our women, enough is enough, life is important.” She said.

Sharon Kiptoo an Activist of Uasin Gishu county added, ”Freedom of speech is not the freedom for hate, learn how to communicate without justifying anyone’s life,life is a sacred so respect that and respect women,”

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