NGAO Officers Should Respect County Elected Leaders, Raila


National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) have no locus standi to dictate to Governors on how to carry out their duties in the Counties.

ODM Leader Raila Odinga says, it unconstitutional for a County Commissioner, an appointee of the President to prefect a Governor, elected by the people to lead them adding that such actions must be condemned.

Speaking at a roadside rally in Kisii town this evening, Mr. Odinga said the 2010 constitutional abolished the provincial administration and the sovereign power of the County vested in the Governor.

“I have heard the County Commissioner of Kisii bragging how he had been posted here to deal with Governor Simba Arati, let me warn him that he is not allowed by law to undermine the Governor and if he continues he will face the consequences as per the law”, he said.

He said it is foolhardy for the County Commissioner to usurp roles that are not his just because he wants to please his masters and settle local political scores. “His position is not recognized in law and he must stop being too big for nothing” he added.

He demanded that the County Commissioner of Kisii Mr. Joseph Kibet who is new in the station to respect Mr. Arati and let him serve the people who put him in office.

“He must submit to Governor Arati because nothing in the supreme law gives him powers to start undermining and fighting the him, and this should be the case across the country, he said.

Governor of Kisii County Mr. Arati who is also the National Vice Chairman of ODM party said he was committed to serving his people and that not even threats by some individuals in government will deter him.

“You elected me and gave me the mandate to serve you, I will do it without fear or favour”, he said.

Others who spoke at the rally were Governor Ochilo Ayacko of Migori, Deputy Party Leader of the ODM party Mr. Wycliffe Oparanya and legislators Anthony Kibagendi, Obadiah Barongo, Irene Mayaka as well as the National Treasurer of the ODM party Mr. Timothy Bosire among others.

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