Kakuzi PLC Invests KShs. 6.5 million to renovate Kitito Primary School in Murang’a County


The project seeks to ensure that pupils have access to the resources and facilities they need to thrive.

Muranga, 15th March, 2024…. 295 pupils of Kitito Primary School in Ithanga/Kakuzi Sub- County of Muranga County are set to benefit from the total makeover of their primary school after Kakuzi PLC invested KShs.6.5 million in the renovations in an initiative to upgrade the facilities of the school.

Kakuzi has completed facelift of all the classrooms, sanitation facilities and library. The renovation which started in November 2023, is part of Kakuzi’s commitment to promote the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education and will see the school environment improve immensely thus boosting the quality of education at the institution. Kitito Primary is the third school to benefit from this initiative. The other two schools are Kakuzi and Kinyangi Primary Schools which were renovated and handed over in the last two years.

“We are excited to mark the completion and handover of the refurbished Kitito Primary School,” stated Chris Flowers, Kakuzi PLC’s Managing Director. “This endeavor underscores our dedication to delivering top-tier education and guaranteeing pupils’ access to the necessary resources and amenities for their success.”

The impact of the renovated Kitito Primary School extends beyond the physical enhancements and aesthetics. It is expected to provide Kitito’s pupils with a positive and empowering learning environment, encouraging them to reach their full potential, and fostering a sense of pride and ownership within the local community.

“We are very grateful to Kakuzi for the support that they have given to our school. The school initially was in a poor state but Kakuzi of their own volition stepped forward to assist us to transform our institution and enhance our facilities to create a better center of learning for our pupils” said Ms.Immaculate Keige , Kitito Primary School Headteacher.

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