Miano Underscores Importance of Saccos


SACCOs play a pivotal role in Kenya Kwanza’s financial agenda.

On Saturday, Investment, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary the Hon CS Rebecca Miano joined Stima Sacco for its 50th Annual General Meeting alongside her esteemed colleague, Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives, Micro and Small Enterprises Simon Chelugui. The Hon CS Rebecca Miano EGH, noted:

“My ministry prioritizes close collaboration with cooperatives as they form a solid foundation for investments, trade and industrialization. With SACCOs in Kenya constituting a movement worth 1.3 trillion Kenyan shillings, they serve as indispensable partners in advancing Kenya’s industry, trade and investment aspirations. I encouraged Stima Sacco to maintain high standards of corporate governance, embrace innovation and leverage technology to sustain its competitive edge.

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