Luhya Leaders Preach Unity at MP Nabwera’s Homecoming


Leaders from the Luhya region emphasized the importance of unity ahead of the 2027 Kenyan general election during a homecoming ceremony for Lugari Member of Parliament, Hon. Nabii Daraja Nabwera.

The ceremony, held at Hon. Nabwera’s Mbagara home in Mautuma Ward on Saturday, was attended by Kakamega Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa, Speaker of the National Assembly Rt. Hon Moses Wetangula, and other dignitaries.

Governor Barasa stressed the significance of the Luhya community’s full participation in national decision-making processes come 2027. Speakers commended Hon. Nabwera’s leadership in the National Assembly, particularly his work on the Education Committee, which has led to notable policy advancements and educational infrastructure development in his constituency. This focus on education has earned him the nickname “Maghorofa.”

Hon. Nabwera, who also serves as the Secretary General of the Western Region MPs’ Caucus, expressed his gratitude to the attendees and pledged his continued service to the people of Lugari. He also advocated for unity among the Luhya people, calling the “Mulembe Nation.”

He condemned attempts to disrupt the county’s development trajectory under Governor Barasa’s leadership, labeling such actions as detrimental to progress.

The ceremony was attended by a host of dignitaries, including ODM Deputy Party Leader and former Kakamega Governor Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya, Health CS Dr. Susan Nakhumicha, Deputy Governor Hon. Ayub Savula, and National Assembly Minority Leader Hon. Opiyo Wandayi. Senators, MCAs led by Kakamega Majority Leader Hon. Philip Maina, County Executives, NGAO officials, and members of the public were also present.

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