TransNzoia Governor and MCA Collaborate to Distribute Gas Cookers in Environmental Conservation Effort


In a concerted effort to address environmental concerns and promote sustainable practices, TransNzoia Governor George Natembeya, in collaboration with Honorable Obed Mwale, MCA of Matisi, has launched an initiative known as Operation Ondoa Moshi Jikoni. As part of this initiative, 600 gas cookers were distributed to women in the Matisi region under the supervision of the Department of Water and Environment.

The primary objective of the initiative is to curb the use of firewood for cooking purposes and thereby contribute to the conservation of the environment. By providing households with gas cookers, the project aims to reduce deforestation and minimize the harmful environmental impact associated with traditional cooking methods.

Governor Natembeya emphasized the clear goal of the initiative, stating, “Our goal is clear – to reduce the use of firewood and conserve our environment.” The distribution of gas cookers is seen as a practical step towards achieving this objective, as it encourages the adoption of cleaner and more sustainable cooking practices.

The collaboration between Governor Natembeya and MCA Obed Mwale highlights the collective effort of local leaders in addressing environmental challenges. The initiative has garnered support from various Members of County Assembly (MCAs) across TransNzoia County, reflecting a shared commitment to environmental conservation.

Commenting on the initiative, MCA Obed Mwale expressed optimism about its impact, stating, “Together, we are making a difference.” The distribution of gas cookers is expected to not only benefit households in Matisi but also serve as a model for similar initiatives in other parts of the county.

As TransNzoia County takes proactive steps towards environmental sustainability, the Operation Ondoa Moshi Jikoni initiative demonstrates the power of collaboration and community-driven efforts in achieving tangible results for the protection of the environment.

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