Trans-Nzoia County University Taskforce Makes Progress, Seeks Resident Support


The Trans Nzoia County University taskforce met with County Secretary Truphosa Amere this evening to discuss progress on establishing a public university in the County.

Amere expressed the county administration’s full support for the initiative, highlighting the potential of the university to transform the local economy and education sector. “The university, if established, will be a game changer,” she stated.
Professor Masibo Lumala, who heads the taskforce, reaffirmed their commitment to delivering the project. Public participation exercises, he said, have yielded strong resident support for the university. “The ongoing public engagement has clearly shown that residents want a university to open up the county for investments,” Lumala explained.

Residents have pledged both financial and logistical contributions to ensure the project’s success. Lumala also commended Governor George Natembeya’s dedication to education in Trans Nzoia, emphasizing the university’s potential to unlock opportunities and create jobs for the community.

The taskforce consists of prominent figures including Professor Masibo Lumala, Professor Battan Khaemba, Professor Caleb Elung’ata, Dr. Hellen Yego (Vice-Chairperson), Dr. David Wafula Lwangale, youth representative Hosea Sismat Chemche, Dr. Julie Magomere, Professor Bulitia, Julius Kivase, Eliud Wakasiaka Mwichabe (secretary), and Alfred Mang’oli Namwitako.

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