Transport Committee Demands More Accountability from Roads and Transport Ministries as Response to Member Inquiries Deemed Inadequate


In a bid to enhance accountability and transparency, the Transport Committee has mandated the Permanent Secretaries (PS’s) for the State Departments for Roads and Transport to provide more detailed responses to various inquiries raised by Honorable Members within a seven-day period.

The decision comes on the heels of dissatisfaction with the responses provided by the State Departments for Roads and Transport, which were deemed insufficient by the Committee. Among the issues addressed by Eng. Joseph Mbugua, the PS for Roads, were concerns regarding allocations for road maintenance under the KERRA Development Fund for the period of April to June 2024, the commencement status of the Mombasa Gate Bridge Construction project, and the deteriorating condition of roads in Tana River County.

Additionally, Mr. Mohammed Daghar, representing the State Department for Transport, responded to inquiries regarding the status of the Suneka Airstrip. However, the responses fell short of the Committee’s expectations.

Chairperson for the Transport Committee and Ndia MP, Honorable George Kariuki, pressed Eng. Mbugua for clear timelines regarding the commencement of projects. In response, Eng. Mbugua indicated a commitment of at least one and a half years, although compensation matters fall under the jurisdiction of the National Lands Commission.

Despite citing resource constraints and deflecting responsibility to Parliament for allocations under the KERRA fund, Eng. Mbugua faced further scrutiny from Honorable Paul Nzengu, who sought more definitive answers.

Acknowledging concerns raised by Committee Member Honorable Yakub Adow regarding significant damage to specific roads, Eng. Mbugua assured the Committee of supplementary funding totaling Ksh. 150 million for each affected road, with procurement processes already underway.

Regarding the delay in completing the Suneka airstrip, the PS attributed the setback to challenges posed by unfavorable terrain, contractor performance issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the necessity for contract price adjustments.

As the Committee awaits more comprehensive responses from the concerned ministries, Members anticipate a clearer picture of project timelines and resource allocations, aiming to ensure effective implementation and oversight in the transport sector.

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