Progress and Challenges Highlighted in LBDA Projects during Inspection Visit


The Departmental Committee on Regional Development of the National Assembly commended the strides made by the Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) in bolstering the economy of the Nyanza and Western regions. During an ongoing inspection visit, Vice-Chair Hon. Mary Wamaua praised LBDA’s perseverance in overcoming financial hurdles to advance various projects.

“LBDA has shown commendable progress despite financial constraints,” stated Hon. Wamaua. She acknowledged the effective utilization of allocated resources, emphasizing the equitable distribution of funds to stimulate employment and foster development nationwide.

Hon. Paul Abour of Rongo echoed these sentiments, highlighting the positive impact of LBDA projects, including the Kisumu Convention Center and Kisumu Lake Basin Mall, in uplifting livelihoods.

CPA Wycliffe Ochiaga, LBDA’s Managing Director, briefed the Committee on the Nyakoe Market Project, aimed at enhancing regional trade. He urged expedited completion of Phase II to fully harness the region’s trade potential.

During the tour, Committee Members observed technological upgrades at a Rice Milling Plant in Kibos, Kisumu County, aimed at improving efficiency and quality in rice production. Mr. Ochiaga highlighted the installation of a new milling machine to meet market demands effectively.

The Committee also visited a fingerlings production unit, showcasing advancements in aquaculture and environmental stewardship. Despite slight underachievement in production targets for FY 2022/23, LBDA remains dedicated to advancing socio-economic development in the Lake Basin region.

Other Members present included Hon. Majimbo Kalasinga, Hon. Kombe Harrison, Hon. Nabulindo Peter, Hon. Cherorot Kimutai, Hon. Khamis Chome, Hon. Tungule Charo, Hon. Yaqub Farah, and area MP Hon. Shakeel Shabbir.

The inspection visit underscores the collaborative efforts to ensure sustainable development and prosperity in the Lake Basin region.

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