Kapseret Resident Defends Oscar Sudi, Calls for Kesses MP’s Apology


Tensions escalate in Kapseret as Samuel Koech, known as Kaisha Kapseret resident, steps forward to defend Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi against recent criticisms from Kesses legislator. Koech expressed dismay at the remarks made by the Kesses MP, labeling them as ill-intended and misrepresentative of Sudi’s contributions to the community.

In a statement to the press, Koech clarified the context behind Sudi’s assertion that he would not allow himself to be led by the Kesses legislator, emphasizing that it was meant to signify a supportive role rather than one of dominance. He highlighted Sudi’s track record of facilitating the construction of schools and hospitals in the region, as well as his consistent assistance during times of need, such as funerals and school fees.

Drawing from personal experience, Koech recounted Sudi’s generosity and proactive approach to community development. He noted the stark contrast between Sudi’s contributions and those of other elected officials, particularly highlighting the significant financial support Sudi provides during fundraising events.

Koech asserted that Sudi’s leadership style fosters unity and reconciliation, citing instances where Sudi has mediated conflicts and brought about peaceful resolutions. He emphasized that Sudi’s relationship with the Kesses MP is one of mentorship and support, rather than subservience.

Calling for accountability, Koech demanded an apology from the Kesses MP for his disparaging remarks towards Sudi. He warned that failure to apologize could jeopardize the Kesses MP’s political future, citing Sudi’s influence in previous elections, including the removal of the former MP, Dr. Swarup Mishra.

As tensions simmer between the two legislators, residents of Kapseret and surrounding areas await further developments, underscoring the importance of respectful dialogue and collaboration in advancing the interests of the community.

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