Man Sues IPOA After Loss of His Manhood at Korinda Prison


Stephen Ikapolok at the Malaba Law Courts after the mention of his case.

A man from Aleles village in Kamuriai sub location Teso North Sub county has sued Independent Policing Overight Authority ( IPOA) for loss of his manhood at Korinda Prisons.

Mr Stephen Ikapolok said he was arraigned in court in 2018, where he faced malicious damage and assault charges twice before being released under section 215, the benefit of doubt.

Stephen Ikapolok at the Malaba Law Courts after the mention of his case.

Ikapolok said while in prison he lost his manhood after his genitals were ruptured by a prison warder, and he had to undergo an operation with its restoration proving futile.

” As a result of losing my manhood, my wife ran away from home after failing to get her congengual rights. My ends can’t meet owing to these unfortunate scenario.

He went on:” I complained to IPOA over its failure to act on the officer who damaged my manhood, but nothing doing, Ikapolok told Malaba Court Principal Magistrate Ocharo Momanyi.”

He told the Magistrate to prevail upon the government to reinstate his manhood to enable him, perform his duties as a father, and to resume his normal life.

The Magistrate told Ikapolok to go to IPOA offices in Kakamega to address the issue first before the mention of the case on July 4th, 2024. He vowed not to gp there until the government comes to his escue.

Ikapolok wondered why he was released under section 215 instead of section 210, claiming that police officers who arrested him didn’t investigate his case throughly before arraigned him in court.

An dvocates for IPOA Tenge David in a replying affidavit dated 3rd May 2024, responding to the applicant’s application dated April 17th, 2024, Mr Tenge said the respondents lodged two complaints.

Mr Tenge said the respondents launched investigations on 13th February 2023 and noted that the applicant wrote incorrect OB number, and there was no corresponding entry
to an assault report filed by the applicant.

He noted that the conduct of the applicant in the whole matter is mischievous and in bad faith against the respondents.

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