MSEA Showcases Commitment to Empowering MSMEs at Innovation Symposium


The 7th Series of the Innovation and Pipeline Symposium 2024 convened with a focus on “Empowering the MSMEs Sector through Training and Certification.” Amidst the vibrant discussions, the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) emerged as a prominent advocate for MSMEs, showcasing its unwavering support at the event.

Representing MSEA’s CEO, Mr. Henry Rithaa, CPA Alton Kipchoge Kogo, the North Rift Regional Coordinator, took center stage to outline the Authority’s comprehensive initiatives tailored to bolstering the MSMEs sector. With eloquence and precision, Kogo elaborated on MSEA’s multifaceted approach, emphasizing key strategies aimed at empowering MSMEs across the region.

Among the highlighted initiatives, Kogo underscored MSEA’s commitment to enhancing market access opportunities, facilitating crucial training and capacity-building programs through strategic partnerships with other agencies, and ensuring the availability of decent and affordable working sites and Commercial and Industrial Development Centers (CIDCs).

Furthermore, Kogo reiterated MSEA’s dedication to simplifying the registration process for MSMEs, thereby streamlining their entry into formal business operations and unlocking access to various support mechanisms. The symposium attendees lauded MSEA’s proactive stance in addressing the challenges faced by MSMEs and acknowledged the pivotal role of such initiatives in fostering economic growth and resilience at the grassroots level.

As the symposium concluded, MSEA’s presence stood as a testament to its unwavering commitment to championing the cause of MSMEs, paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous entrepreneurial landscape in the region.

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