County Assemblies Seek Additional Funds


The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Budget chaired by Mandera County Senator Ali Roba held a meeting with the County Assemblies of Tana River, Garissa and Elgeyo Marakwet to deliberate on the recurrent expenditure budget ceilings for FY 2024/2025.

The 3 County Assemblies led by their respective Speakers made their submissions to the Committee requesting for additional allocation of funds to facilitate their operations.

Tana River County Assembly in their submission sought Ksh.277.6 million additional fund which will be directed to public participation and oversight, training, inherited tax arrears, acquisition of vehicles and motorcycles, installation of new Hansard equipment and insurance cost.

The Assembly hopes to expend Ksh.45 million of their requested funds to acquire office furniture and computers for 15 ward offices.

Garissa County Assembly sought Ksh.149,550,130 additional funds to cater for staff retrenchment, Workmen Injury Benefit Act, consultancy service for human resource firm to aid in the retrenchment exercise and buying of lease of land in front of the County Assembly.

In Elgeyo Marakwet County, the County Assembly requested for Ksh.37 million to install state of art Hansard equipment in the Chambers and Ksh.22,500,000 to purchase motor vehicles to enable the Assembly carry out its oversight role effectively.

The Committee noted submissions from the three County Assemblies promising to look into them holistically before making a conclusion.

Members present were Sen. Ali Roba (Chairperson), Sen. Tabitha Mutinda (Vice Chairperson), Sen. Dr. Boni Khalwale, Sen. Richard Onyonka, Sen. Mohamed Faki, Sen. Shakila Abdalla and Sen. Eddy Oketch.

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