National Assembly Committee on Sports and Culture Engages Stakeholders on Culture Bill, 2024


The National Assembly Committee on Sports and Culture convened in Mombasa for a crucial retreat, focusing on the Culture Bill, 2024. Key stakeholders presented their submissions, advocating for amendments to the bill.

Under the chairmanship of Hon. Caroli Omondi, the morning session saw insightful presentations, including one by Machakos County Director of Culture, Mr. Mutua Mulonzya, who provided a comprehensive analysis titled “Comparative Overview of Legislation on Culture.”

In the afternoon session, chaired by Vice-Chairperson Hon. Wamucukuru James, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Hon. Aisha Jumwa, along with her Principal Secretary, Ms. Ummi Bashir, presented proposed amendments. Ms. Bashir emphasized the need to align the bill with existing legislation, particularly the Protection of Traditional Knowledge of Cultural Expressions Act.

Hon. Omondi highlighted the significance of language in preserving culture, stressing its pivotal role as a cultural driver.

In addition to deliberating on the Culture Bill, the Committee also addressed the Kenya National Library Services Bill, 2023. Furthermore, they scheduled meetings with the National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) and Athletics Kenya to discuss the Kenyan team’s preparedness for the upcoming Olympics in Paris, led by Paul Tergat.

Hon. Wamucukuru expressed the Committee’s intent to scrutinize NOCK’s investment in team readiness, aiming to avoid past mistakes.

The Committee also engaged with Mr. Nuh Ibrahim, CEO of the Sports, Arts, and Social Development Fund, to understand their achievements and challenges.

Moreover, the Committee finalized and approved its work plan, delineating a clear roadmap for future endeavors.

Among the distinguished members present were Hon. Dr. Jackson Kosgei, Hon. Richard Yegon, Hon. Samuel Gonzi, Hon. Catherine Amanyo, Hon. Ekwom Nabuin, Hon. Stephen Mule, Hon. Robert Basil, and Hon. Nguna Ngusya Charles.

The retreat underscored the Committee’s commitment to fostering cultural preservation and sports development in Kenya, marking a significant step forward in legislative and strategic planning.

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