Revolutionizing Agribusiness:The Success Story of ALFA Quku Enterprise


Meet Magdalene Musembi, founder of Alfa Quku Enterprise in Busia. Her innovative poultry and vegetable farm uses a solar-powered incubator for hatchery operations, providing high-quality chicks to farmers.

She also formulates her own feeds and uses poultry waste as manure for her gardens.

Magdalene left her journalism career to start her farm during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now a market leader, her day-old chicks sell for 100 KES, week-old for 150 KES, and month-old for 300 KES.

She trains and mentors women and youth in agriculture, empowering the next generation of farmers. To buy chicks or schedule a training session, contact Magdalene at 0726455346 or through the MSEA Busia office.

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