Uasin Gishu Residents Condemn Oscar Sudi’s Verbal Attacks on Deputy President and Colleagues


In a show of solidarity and condemnation, residents of Uasin Gishu, particularly from the Kapseret constituency, have voiced their disapproval of recent verbal assaults by Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi directed towards Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and other leaders.

Speaking on behalf of the community, Nemwel Kiplagat, a resident of Kapseret, emphasized the need for respectful discourse in politics, stating, “Oscar Sudi’s words are his own, and they do not reflect the values of our community. As residents of Uasin Gishu, we expect our leaders to focus on serving the people, not engaging in divisive rhetoric.”

Dancan Sanchez echoed Kiplagat’s sentiments, affirming support for President William Ruto and Deputy President Gachagua. “We distance ourselves from Oscar Sudi’s remarks. Deputy President Gachagua deserves our respect, and we urge Sudi to focus on representing his constituents rather than resorting to personal attacks,” Sanchez emphasized.

Jeremiah Kibet Sawe, UDA party coordinator for Uasin Gishu, called for accountability within the party ranks, stating, “It’s disappointing that Oscar Sudi has failed to fulfill his duties as a Member of Parliament. If he cannot represent his constituents effectively, he should step aside and allow a competent leader to take charge.”

Sharon Mohamed expressed concern over the behavior of nominated MCA’s towards Deputy President Gachagua, urging swift action from party leaders.

“It is unacceptable for elected representatives to demean their colleagues. We expect our leaders to uphold integrity and respect at all times,” Mohamed asserted.

Paul Sengwer, the Member of Parliament for Kapseret, emphasized the importance of respecting seasoned leaders like Gachagua, despite political differences.

“Deputy President Gachagua has served our community for many years. It’s time we show him the respect he deserves and focus on constructive engagement,” Sengwer stated.

In response to the community’s outcry, there is growing pressure on Oscar Sudi and the UDA party leadership to address the issue and ensure that respectful dialogue and integrity remain at the forefront of political discourse in Uasin Gishu.

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