Chief Justice Martha Koome Launches Moiben Law Courts and AJS


Chief Justice Martha Koome on Thursday launched the Moiben Law Court and Alternative Justice System.

Speaking during the event, the Chief Justice expressed her appreciation to Governor Dr. Jonathan Bii’s administration for the collaboration with the Judiciary to enhance access to justice by providing space for court construction and space to establish Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) suites.

“The County has partnered with the Judiciary to promote justice and ensure that the rights of the people we serve are respected,” CJ Koome stated.

She further emphasized that the judiciary must engage with the community, making people aware that they are both the owners and agents of justice.

“AJS connects people to justice. It offers an appropriate and effective system that helps, protects, and respects the community,” she added.

The Chief Justice also highlighted the need for adequate budgetary allocations for the judiciary to effectively serve and respond to the needs of the people, stressing that the judiciary must avoid corruption and bribery.

On his part, Dr. Bii stated that the Alternative Justice System will be able to resolve 80 percent of disputes, particularly those related to land, which constitute the highest number of filed cases.

“Alternative Justice System is cost-effective and affordable. Cases will be resolved promptly and efficiently, with mediators playing a crucial role in settling disputes. It provides a more flexible, effective, and efficient means of resolving conflicts,” said Dr. Bii.

He further noted that the system will reduce the burden on formal courts, allowing them to focus on other cases. It will promote peace and cohesion in the community, enabling residents to live in harmony and fostering socio-economic development.

Deputy Governor Eng. John Barorot praised the digital transformation implemented by the judiciary, terming it as enviable and admirable.

“AJS is essential because case information is written and recorded. You don’t need a lawyer, just mediators who are key in settling disputes, leading to win-win outcomes,” said Eng. Barorot.

County Commissioner Dr. Eddyson Nyale, Member of Parliament Hon. Phyllis Bartoo (Moiben), Hon.Janet Sitienei (Turbo),Members of the County Assembly, County Secretary Edwin Bett, County Attorney Stephen Lel, County Executive Committee Members, Chief Officers, and other notable dignitaries were in attendance.

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