President William Ruto Inaugurates Webuye West Technical and Vocational College, Marking a Milestone in Vocational Education


In a significant stride towards bolstering Kenya’s vocational education sector, President William Ruto officially inaugurated the Webuye West Technical and Vocational College in Machakha, Bungoma.

The event, graced by dignitaries and education stakeholders, heralded a new era of equipping the nation’s workforce with market-ready knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, President Ruto emphasized the pivotal role of vocational education in driving the country’s transformation agenda. He underscored the deliberate investment in vocational institutions, highlighting their crucial contribution to addressing the skills gap and enhancing employability.

“Today marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to fostering a skilled workforce capable of driving our nation’s development,” remarked President Ruto. “The establishment of the Webuye West Technical and Vocational College reflects our dedication to equipping our youth with the practical skills and competencies demanded by today’s dynamic job market.”

The newly opened college boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet industry needs. With a focus on hands-on training and industry partnerships, the institution aims to produce graduates equipped with the expertise required to excel in various sectors, ranging from engineering and technology to hospitality and entrepreneurship.

Addressing the audience, Education Minister highlighted the government’s commitment to expanding access to quality vocational education across the country. “We believe that investing in vocational training is key to unlocking the potential of our youth and driving economic growth,” stated the Minister. “The Webuye West Technical and Vocational College stands as a testament to our efforts to build a skilled workforce capable of propelling Kenya towards prosperity.”

Local leaders and community members lauded the establishment of the college, expressing optimism about its role in empowering the youth and spurring socio-economic development in the region. They commended President Ruto’s leadership in prioritizing vocational education and called for sustained support to ensure the college’s success.

As the curtains drew on the inauguration ceremony, attendees echoed a collective sense of optimism and determination to harness the potential of vocational education in shaping Kenya’s future. The opening of the Webuye West Technical and Vocational College signals a significant step towards realizing the nation’s vision of a skilled, innovative, and globally competitive workforce.

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