Cheluget Calls For Nairobi Leaders To Work Synergetically


Newly elected United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Chairman for Ruaraka Constituency the Honorable Dr. Boaz Kiprop Cheluget, has called upon Nairobi leaders to embrace synergy and unity of purpose so as to achieve a common goal of progress and realization of social transformation goals.

Speaking in Ruaraka shortly after he was declared the winner Friday Afternoon, Dr. Boaz said it’s now time to shelve all differences be they tribal, religious, social status, or any other kind of differences, and channel all the energies towards service delivery to the Great People of Nairobi.

A leader by example, Dr. Boaz Cheluget, who vied in 2022 in Ruaraka, seemingly going against the grain, now that Ruaraka is predominantly an opposition zone, called upon Nairobi Governor Johnson Arthur Sakaja to lead from the front by setting a good example for all the other leaders to emulate and especially share the National Cake equally.

Dr. Boaz has been mobilizing his resources ever since the inception and birth of the UDA party and he is credited with overseeing the registration of UDA members in Ruaraka in their thousands.

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