MP Ndindi Nyoro Advocates for Service-Oriented Politics


In a fervent call for politicians to prioritize service delivery over political maneuvering, Kiharu Member of Parliament, Ndindi Nyoro, emphasized the importance of tangible action for the electorate.

Speaking during the Kakamega East Sub – County Education Day at St. Agnes Shibuye Girls High School the MP underscored that the re-election of leaders should hinge on their substantive contributions to the welfare of the populace, rather than mere rhetoric.

“As leaders, let us work diligently for the electorate, as our legacy will be defined by our actions in office. Kenyans will judge us by what we accomplish for them,” Nyoro declared, urging his fellow politicians to focus on fulfilling promises and executing manifestos.

Nyoro emphasized his support for President William Ruto and Deputy Rigathi Gachagua’s agendas, pledging to assist in implementing their policies. Addressing the contentious Finance Bill, he assured the public that their concerns would be heeded, vowing to avoid burdensome taxes that adversely affect citizens.

As the chairman of the budget Committee, Nyoro unveiled the proposed 2024-2025 budget, amounting to KSh 3.9 trillion. Notably, the education sector received a significant allocation of KSh 700 billion.

Within this allocation, Nyoro announced plans to transition junior secondary school (JSS) teachers and contract teachers to permanent and pensionable terms. Additionally, the budget encompasses the recruitment of 20,000 new teachers in the coming fiscal year.

The budgetary allocation also extends support to farmers, with Sh 16 billion designated for fertilizer subsidies and Sh 2 billion allocated for settling outstanding payments to sugarcane farmers. Furthermore, Nyoro highlighted a substantial allocation of KSh 14.5 billion for rural electrification, aimed at connecting all households nationwide to the electricity grid.

Shinyalu member of parliament Fred Ngania who was the host said the major problem that they are currently facing is is lack of enough teachers.

“As you have heard Kuppet and Knut that there are many teachers who have not been employed, but we thank president Ruto last year they employed some teachers. This year we are urging them in this year’s Budget to reduce the burden of employing BOM teachers,”

Navakholo MP Emmanuel wangwe said teachers who have not been employed are many and all will be employed but tht question is how are we training the teachers who follow them.

“Primary teachers certificate has been removed and replaced with Diploma teachers,TVET has been given money from the budget, Universities have been given money but when teachers training for Diploma is not given money to enable them study,”

“Mine is just that as the budget Committee look at Diploma teachers when training to be given money to cater for their education,” he added

Women Rep Vihiga Beatrice Adagala Called in parents tj take care of their girl children at home and when they are at recess.

“Boys should also be taken care of I don’t want to see anyone messing with the boy child should protected for them to learn and be something in future,”she said.

Member of Parliament for Kwisero Christopher Aseka said that teachers that are internship should be given money and employed on permanent and pensionable terms with immediate effect.

“I want to assure teachers that we have put that money in our Budget.Teachers who have also stayed in one job group for many years will also be promoted,” he said .

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