Resonating The Govt.s. call to Go Electric


Various stakeholders have heeded to the call by the Government through His Excellency the President Dr William Samoei Ruto to go electric in regards to embracing a more eco-friendly mode of transportation. Largely, at the moment, Kenya is driven by the Conventional fossil fuels which are a detriment to the environment.

But one company is doing a very impressive job of bringing electric cars that are very efficient fuel-consumption-wise. The Moja EV. We spoke to Eric and this is what he had to say:

I’m Eric Lumallas, and according to me, everybody should go electric. Because with electric vehicles the socio ecomic dynamism will change. A taxi driver can actually use 700 shillings to cover 384km which is impossible with normal fuel.

We are also ready to do solar based infrastructure. For now we have the skyworth which is the 4*4 that can do 620-700km per single charge 700km with a single charge. We have We have BOMA small cars that can do 220

We are ready to bring a smaller one for the Uber people.we are trying to partner with AA in a bid to service the cars locally

We are also ready to assemble the cars locally

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