Trans Nzoia County Embraces Market-Driven Agricultural Paradigm to Boost Farmer Productivity


In a bold move aimed at revolutionizing agricultural practices in Trans Nzoia County, Governor George Natembeya unveiled a groundbreaking agricultural program during the Madaraka Day Celebrations at Masinde Muliro Stadium in Kanduyi, Bungoma County.

The program, aptly named the Agripreneur Initiative, marks a paradigm shift from traditional production-based extension services to a market-driven approach, geared towards empowering farmers and enhancing production efficiency.

Speaking passionately during the celebrations, Governor Natembeya emphasized the significance of aligning farming activities with market demand. “Gone are the days when farmers would produce first and then seek markets.

With the Agripreneur Initiative, our farmers will receive prior information on market needs, enabling them to tailor their production accordingly,” stated Governor Natembeya.

The Agripreneur Initiative aims to provide farmers with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to thrive in the agricultural sector. Through targeted training programs, farmers will gain valuable insights into market trends, best agricultural practices, and sustainable farming techniques. Moreover, the initiative seeks to eliminate the longstanding challenge of exploitative middlemen by establishing direct market channels for farmers.

Governor Natembeya also addressed recent concerns regarding the proliferation of counterfeit agricultural inputs, particularly fake fertilizers, which have plagued farmers in the region. Urging swift action, he called upon the national government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, to ensure the consistent provision of certified inputs while holding accountable those responsible for deceiving innocent farmers.

“The wellbeing of our farmers is paramount, and we will not tolerate any form of exploitation or deception,” declared Governor Natembeya. He further implored the president to expedite the process of compensating affected farmers and urged authorities to apprehend the perpetrators to prevent future occurrences of such fraudulent activities.

The Agripreneur Initiative signals a new dawn for agriculture in Trans Nzoia County, positioning the region as a beacon of agricultural innovation and productivity. With a concerted effort from both the government and local stakeholders, the initiative is poised to transform the agricultural landscape, driving economic growth, and ensuring food security for generations to come.

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