Delegated Legislation Committee Briefed on Affordable Housing


Members of the Committee on Delegated Legislation were today briefed on key regulations aimed at streamlining the affordable housing sector.

The committee in a session led by Vice Chair Hon. Robert Gichimu (Gichugu), received submissions from Charles Hinga, the Principal Secretary for the State Department for Housing and Urban Development, regarding the draft Affordable Housing Regulations, 2024.

During the session, MPs questioned PS Hinga about a clause in the regulations that prohibits owners of affordable housing units from disposing of their property.

“Why should a person be restricted from disposing of their unit? shouldn’t they have the freedom to do anything they want with their house?” inquired Committee Vice Chairperson Hon. Gichimu.

PS Hinga defended the clause, explaining that it is intended to prevent the commercialization of affordable housing units.

He noted that the restriction period has been reduced to five years, based on practices in other jurisdictions.

Additionally, committee members suggested that thorough public participation should be conducted before the commencement of any project.

The draft regulation mandates the affordable housing board to issue a two-week notice to the public, specifying the period for public participation.

This notice must also be published in two newspapers of national circulation and broadcast on one radio station that has wide coverage within the country.

However, committee members recommended that the board also utilize at least three local radio stations, social media, and other popular communication channels to ensure comprehensive public engagement.

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