Uasin Gishu Leaders Mourn Lucy Chomba


Uasin Gishu leaders have send a Message of condolences to the family and friends of Lucy Chomba.

The deceased died at her residence.The cause of her death is not yet established.

“We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of the late Hon. Lucy Chomba.She was a former Huruma ward MCA and an ardent supporter of development and constructive change in our society. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and residents of Huruma ward. Poleni Sana,” wrote Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii.

Senator Jackson Mandago says “Nimepokea habari za kifo cha Mhesh. Bi Lucy Chomba kwa mshtuko na Uzuni mwingi Sana.Mhesh Lucy alikuwa baadhi ya Wahesmiwa waanzilishi wa Bunge Gatuzi la Uasin Gishu mwaka wa 2013.Mchango wake katika kufanikisha maswala ya maendelea ya akina Mama ulikuwa dhabiti.
Pole zangu za dhati kwa Familia, Marafiki, Wana Wadi ya Huruma na Kaunti yetu ya Uasin Gishu kwa Jumla”

“I take this moment to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and people of Huruma Ward, Uasin Gishu County following the sudden demise of MCA Hon. Lucy Ng’endo Chomba.Hon Chomba was a steadfast leader who represented people of Huruma Ward with zeal and dedication in the first and second Assembly of Uasin Gishu County Assembly,” says the Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi.

Keses MP Julius Ruto wrote” I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Hon. Lucy Chomba that occurred this morning.I worked with her at the County Government of Uasin Gishu when I was a CECM (Finance) and she was a Member of County Assembly representing the people of Huruma Ward.
Besides working with her I got to know her through her dad during my time at Arnesens High School when I was a CU chairman, and her father was my Kiswahili teacher and a CU Patron.Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this time of sorrow,”

” I join the people of Uasin Gishu and the residents of Huruma ward in mourning the sudden and heartbreaking loss of former Huruma ward MCA, Hon. Lucy Chomba. Her dedicated leadership and tireless service to the community will forever be remembered. Our thoughts and Prayers are with her family and all who were touched by her remarkable life. Rest in peace, Hon. Lucy Chomba,” said Moiben Member of Parliament Prof Phylis Bartoo.

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