Azimio Leaders Condemn President Ruto’s Deployment of KDF Following Anti-Finance Bill Protests


Mellah Aluso
In the aftermath of nationwide protests against the anti-finance bill of 2024 in Kenya, tensions have escalated following the deployment of Kenya Defense Force (KDF) by President Ruto. The move, aimed at assisting police in maintaining internal security, has drawn sharp criticism from leaders associated with the Azimio La Umoja coalition.

The protests, which resulted in casualties and extensive property damage, prompted President Ruto’s decision to deploy the KDF, a decision Azimio leaders argue is unconstitutional. According to Martha Karua, referencing Article 241 of the constitution, any deployment of the KDF for internal security requires parliamentary approval, which has not been obtained.

“Kenya Defense Force can only be deployed to combat internal threats with parliament’s approval,” stated Martha Karua, emphasizing the constitutional requirement that mandates such approval.

In response to President Ruto’s address justifying the deployment, Kalonzo Musyoka, leader of the Wyper party, condemned what he termed as brutal actions by congratulating police officers for their response to the protests. Musyoka demanded an end to alleged abductions and unlawful killings, urging the release of those detained during the demonstrations.

Azimio leaders, echoing public outcry and international concern, have called upon President Ruto to heed the demands for the withdrawal of the contentious 2024 finance bill. They emphasize that the deployment of KDF in civilian matters sets a dangerous precedent and undermines democratic principles.

Martha Karua also directed a message to the police forces, reminding them of their duty to protect citizens within the confines of the law. “The constitution requires you to exercise your power responsibly,” she asserted, urging unity among all Kenyans, including members of the disciplined forces.

As the situation unfolds, tensions remain high across Kenya, with calls for dialogue and a peaceful resolution to the crisis growing louder from various quarters of society. The government’s response and adherence to constitutional principles in handling internal security challenges are under intense scrutiny both domestically and internationally.

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