Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi Reacts to Post-Protest Violence:


In a stark and emotional address today, Kapseret Member of Parliament, Oscar Sudi, expressed deep sorrow and concern over the events that unfolded following what began as a peaceful protest by Gen-Z on Tuesday.

The MP, known for his vocal stance on various issues affecting the youth, condemned the widespread violence, loss of lives, looting, and destruction of property that marred what was initially a peaceful demonstration.

“The events that transpired on Tuesday are deeply unfortunate,” Sudi began, visibly shaken by the turn of events. “While I fully support the right of our youth to peacefully protest and express their grievances, I am appalled by the magnitude of devastation that followed.”

Sudi, a prominent figure in Kapseret and beyond, emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of the constitution and denounced any actions that go against its spirit. “In my entire life, I have never organized or wished ill upon my political competitors,” he asserted. “It is shocking and deeply regrettable when opportunistic elements exploit innocent youth to sow chaos and destruction.”

Following the unrest, which saw widespread damage and loss of life, Sudi announced an immediate suspension of all his political activities. “I am left defenseless to protect my properties and those of many others affected by this senseless violence,” he lamented.

The MP urged for calm and called upon law enforcement agencies to swiftly restore order and ensure that justice prevails for all affected parties. “Let us come together as a community to heal and rebuild,” Sudi appealed, his voice tinged with resolve.

Sudi reiterated his commitment to serving the people of Kapseret with integrity and pledged to work tirelessly towards ensuring such tragic events do not recur in the future.

The aftermath of Tuesday’s events continues to unfold, with authorities investigating the causes behind the escalation from a peaceful protest to widespread violence and unrest.

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