Kazi Mashinani Youths to Get Pay -Governor Natembeya


The county government of Trans Nzoia will begin paying the Kazi Mashinani workers next week.

Governor George Natembeya,on Wednesday, explained that delays in payment were due to incorrect names and phone numbers they had provided.

The youths had visited the county offices to inquire about the status of their delayed payments.

They expressed concerns,stating their struggles to pay rent and other bills due to the delay.

Governor Natembeya assured the youths that his administration has made the necessary requisitions, promising that the first batch of workers will start receiving their money on Tuesday.

The requisition will cover the entire two months of work that the youths have completed.

He also emphasized that this initiative, which he conceived, is not a short-term measure and will continue throughout his tenure.

Present at the announcement were Area MCA and Deputy Speaker Obed Mwale, along with Tuwan MCA Francis Were.

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