It was a set book in my days. I can’t remember the whole content (I will purpose to buy the book and read it again), but for the last few days, this has been in my mind.

Betrayal births death!
When Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, he thought it was a joke, so I feel, but a joke gone too far.
It resulted in his death and the death of Jesus.

When a lover kills another, more often than not, it’s about betrayal.
What of deaths coming from business deals gone sour? It’s also about betrayal.
Where is this going to…
When leaders betray their people, the consequences can never be good…
When a generation betrays another, it is a disaster.

When the church betrays its followers, it is even worse…
When workers and employers betray each other, productivity is zero.
When institutions betray the people, let’s not even go there; it is dangerous.

When leaders betray each other, one or both will vanish.
And the list can go on and on.
Could this be, just maybe, what we as a people are going through?
A great sense of betrayal.
Betrayal by people, institutions, policies, justice systems, etc. Could it be?

And if so, is it a moral question? And what do we do?
Can we call ourselves into a meeting, just sober up a little bit, and chart a new path?
For sure, we all are at a crossroad.
What we do at this point will break or build us.

Let’s come and reason together, for betrayal is a dangerous emotion.
And those in authority, political, economic, social, etc., indeed across the board, must take responsibility and lead from the front.
Just my thoughts.
Madam CEO

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