Eldoret National Polytechnic Students Urged to Prioritize Industrial Training


By Baraka Simba

In a recent orientation session targeting first-year students at Eldoret National Polytechnic, Mr. James Mwangi, the Deputy Principal Academic, delivered a compelling message emphasizing the significance of industrial training. Addressing the gathering, Mr. Mwangi underscored the critical role of practical experience gained through industrial attachments in shaping the students’ professional journey.

“It is imperative for every student to undertake industrial training before graduation. This practical experience is crucial as it allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios,” stated Mr. Mwangi emphatically. He further emphasized the institution’s policy, affirming that graduation eligibility is contingent upon successful completion of the industrial attachment.

Mr. Mwangi also addressed concerns related to academic integrity, urging students to uphold honesty and avoid cheating during examinations. He cautioned that any violations would be subject to disciplinary action by the committee, which he chairs, highlighting the serious consequences of academic misconduct.

“In our pursuit of nurturing skilled and competent graduates, the pathway through impactful industrial training cannot be overstated,” Mr. Mwangi added, urging students to approach their educational journey with diligence and commitment. He encouraged them to prioritize both examinations and industrial training, stressing that failure to adhere to these requirements could jeopardize their academic progress.

The orientation session served as a crucial platform for new students to understand the institution’s expectations and policies regarding academic and professional development. Mr. Mwangi’s comprehensive address aimed to instill a sense of responsibility and purpose among the student body, promoting a culture of excellence and adherence to academic standards at Eldoret National Polytechnic.

As the academic year progresses, the institution remains steadfast in its commitment to equipping students with practical skills and preparing them for successful careers in their respective fields.

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