Shocking Murder of Rachel Cherop Biwott Leaves Community in Grief


The community of Kiplombe and the staff at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) are in deep mourning after the brutal and horrific murder of Rachel Cherop Biwott, an esteemed accountant at the hospital. Known affectionately as “Chebo Kibande,” Rachel’s death has sent shockwaves through her family, friends, and colleagues.

Rachel, a dedicated mother and hardworking professional, was last seen on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Described by those who knew her as a jovial, quiet, and charismatic woman, Rachel was known for her diligence, punctuality, and responsibility. She worked alongside her colleagues Maggy, Shaz, and Rossy, who fondly recall bidding her farewell that Saturday evening with the promise of meeting again the next morning.

When Rachel did not report to work on Sunday, June 23, her colleagues were not immediately alarmed, assuming she would show up on Monday. However, concern grew when she remained absent on Monday, June 24, and her phone was unreachable by midday. Panic set in among her coworkers and family members.

The unthinkable occurred when dismembered body parts were discovered in Mutwot, stuffed in a sack. The gruesome discovery was made by Amb Alfred Sergent. The mutilated remains were later confirmed to be those of Rachel Cherop Biwott. Her head and other body parts were found, but many internal organs and body parts are still missing. The horrifying nature of her death has left the entire hospital community and her family in shock and despair.

Rachel’s colleagues describe her as a peaceful person who never crossed paths with anyone at the office. Her death has left a void that will be difficult to fill. Her family, including her young boys who were the center of her life, are struggling to come to terms with the brutal loss.

The hospital fraternity is in tatters, unable to comprehend why someone would commit such a heinous act against Rachel. Her father, mother, siblings, and friends are devastated, unable to understand why Rachel was targeted in such a cruel and inhumane manner.

As the investigation continues, the community demands justice for Rachel. They are calling on the authorities to leave no stone unturned in finding the perpetrators of this barbaric crime and ensuring they face the full force of the law.

Rachel’s murder raises serious questions about the safety of women in the community and the broader societal issues that may have contributed to such a tragic event. Her death is a stark reminder of the violence that continues to plague society, and the urgent need for measures to protect vulnerable individuals.

Rachel Cherop Biwott will be remembered for her kindness, her dedication to her work, and her unwavering love for her children. The community stands in solidarity with her family, hoping for swift justice and an end to such senseless violence.

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