Project Management Committees in Elgeyo Marakwet County Trained on New Procedures


In a move aimed at enhancing project management efficiency and accountability, hundreds of Project Management Committees (PMCs) representing all 20 electoral wards of Elgeyo Marakwet County underwent a rigorous training session on Thursday.

The initiative, spearheaded by Governor Wisely Rotich’s administration, focused on equipping PMCs with updated procedures to oversee government projects effectively.

Governor Rotich highlighted the critical role of PMCs in ensuring the timely and quality completion of public projects, emphasizing the county’s shift from previous payment models to a new system where contractors will only receive compensation upon project completion and official handover. This strategic change aims to eliminate the issue of incomplete projects caused by contractors abandoning works after receiving partial payments.

“We are committed to financial prudence and ensuring that projects in Elgeyo Marakwet County are completed as per the required standards. Our decision to pay contractors only upon project completion reflects our zero-tolerance for unfinished projects,” Governor Rotich affirmed during his address.

The training session featured a keynote speech by nominated MP Honorable Bishop Jackson Kosgei, who encouraged PMCs to embrace their pivotal role in driving local development initiatives forward. Governor Rotich further urged PMCs to actively support the county’s wealth creation programs, emphasizing the importance of economic diversification in enhancing household incomes.

The event, attended by Deputy Governor Prof. Grace Cheserek, County Commissioner John Korir, and various Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) including House Majority Leader Stephen Cheruiyot, underscored the collective commitment to effective governance and community-driven development strategies in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

Armed with newly acquired knowledge and guidelines, PMCs are expected to play a more robust role in overseeing projects from inception to completion, thereby ensuring transparency, accountability, and sustainable development across the county. This training marks a significant step towards achieving the administration’s goals of improving project delivery and fostering economic growth in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

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