Regional Ministers Commit to Accelerating Food Systems Transformation in IGAD Member States


Ministers and Heads of Delegations from Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Sudan convened in Nairobi for a pivotal regional meeting aimed at intensifying efforts to combat food insecurity across the IGAD region. Against the backdrop of alarming statistics indicating widespread food crises affecting millions, the high-level gathering reaffirmed commitments to bolstering national and regional strategies for sustainable food systems.

The meeting, hosted with the warm hospitality of the Government of Kenya, underscored the urgent need to address evolving dimensions of food insecurity exacerbated by conflict, climate change, and economic shocks. Recent data highlighted that a substantial portion of East Africa’s population faced acute food insecurity in 2023, with projections indicating further challenges ahead in 2024, particularly in Somalia and South Sudan.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Ministers acknowledged the pivotal role of coordinated, multi-sectoral approaches in achieving lasting solutions. They emphasized the importance of national ownership and inclusive stakeholder engagement in shaping policies that mitigate food crises and enhance resilience among vulnerable communities.

Key outcomes of the meeting include a joint declaration to strengthen capacity-building efforts aimed at translating policy commitments into actionable initiatives. The Ministers also advocated for extending these efforts to sub-national levels and integrating food systems priorities into national development frameworks. They endorsed the development of a regional communications strategy to sustain political momentum and support, both regionally and globally.

Moreover, the Ministers committed to enhancing data management capabilities, emphasizing the need for accurate, real-time data to inform decision-making and monitor progress. They called for robust financing mechanisms, including national budgets, development partner contributions, and private sector investments, to fortify food systems against future shocks.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to balancing humanitarian and developmental priorities, focusing on sustainable programming and durable solutions that address the root causes of food crises. This integrated approach, anchored in the principles of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus, aims to build resilience and foster long-term socio-economic stability across the IGAD region.

As the region continues to confront complex challenges, the collective resolve exhibited at the Nairobi meeting signals a significant step towards accelerating food systems transformation and safeguarding the wellbeing of millions in East Africa.

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