Education Sector Urged to Spend Wisely Amid Economic Challenges


By Baraka Simba

In response to Kenya’s current economic challenges, the country’s education sector is being called upon to exercise fiscal prudence with allocated funds. Education Cabinet Secretary, CS Machogu, emphasized this during the conclusion of the 2024 School Heads Annual Conference held in Mombasa.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, CS Machogu noted that the education sector has been allocated Ksh. 600 billion, representing 30% of the national budget. “It is imperative that these funds are utilized judiciously for the betterment of our educational institutions,” he asserted. Specific disbursements include 2.7 billion for primary schools, 14 billion for junior schools, and 18.8 billion for secondary schools.

Governor Abdullswamad Shariff Nassir of Mombasa County echoed these sentiments, announcing enhanced local support for early childhood development (ECD) learning. “The county government of Mombasa will now fully finance ECD learning across our county,” Governor Nassir declared, underscoring a commitment to improving educational standards at the grassroots level.

CS Machogu reaffirmed the government’s dedication to ensuring seamless learning nationwide, stressing that all educational programs must continue unabated despite economic pressures. “Kenya is fully committed to maintaining the quality of education in every part of the country,” he affirmed.

The calls for fiscal responsibility come at a critical time when economic constraints necessitate careful management of public funds. As stakeholders in education prepare to implement these directives, the focus remains on ensuring that every shilling allocated contributes effectively to the advancement of educational goals nationwide.

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