Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Faces Backlash Following Criticism of NIS Director


By Baraka Simba

Kenya’s Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has sparked controversy and faced criticism from various quarters after his recent remarks targeting National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director Noordin Haji. Gachagua, speaking in Mombasa last Wednesday, accused Haji of contributing to the government’s unpopularity by allegedly providing inaccurate advice to President Uhuru Kenyatta on public sentiment regarding the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

The deputy president’s comments have drawn sharp rebuke from political leaders across the spectrum. Francis Atwoli, Secretary General of the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU), described Gachagua’s remarks as “unfortunate and uncalled for.” Atwoli emphasized the deputy president’s role in fostering national unity, suggesting that criticism of sensitive security organs undermines this responsibility.

“If somebody can reach the deputy president, tell him to act with wisdom and support the president for the total unity this country requires. We cannot afford divisions, especially not through public attacks,” Atwoli remarked during a statement in Kitui.

Leaders from Wajir, where Director Noordin Haji hails from, also condemned Gachagua’s comments, some going as far as calling for his resignation. Mohammed Aldow, Member of Parliament for Wajir South, voiced concerns over the deputy president’s actions, urging Gachagua to desist from attacking government officials.

“Rigathi Gachagua, we are tired. It’s unbecoming for a deputy president to undermine government officials. We are all Kenyans and we need to develop as a country,” Aldow stated, appealing for unity and respect within the government.

Haji, a key figure in Kenya’s security and intelligence landscape, was selected based on his qualifications and principles, according to Atwoli, who was part of the panel that endorsed his appointment. The NIS director has been instrumental in advising the government on security matters and is regarded as a learned professional in his field.

Gachagua’s criticism of Haji has ignited a broader debate on the appropriate conduct of senior government officials and their responsibilities in promoting national cohesion and respect for institutions. The fallout from these remarks underscores ongoing tensions within Kenya’s political landscape, as leaders navigate the complexities of governance and public opinion.

Efforts to reach Deputy President Gachagua for comment on the growing backlash have been unsuccessful thus far. The situation remains fluid as stakeholders await further developments and potential responses from the deputy president’s office.

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