Pomp and Colour as Kimilili Residents Receive Free Solar Powered Lighting Gadget


Nguti Masinde,an aspiring Member of Parliament for Kimilili constituency,yesterday donated free solar_powered lighting gadgets for the rural communities dubbed “Maliza Sisilima Project”.

The initiative targets low income households and yesterday event marked the first phase.

The colourful event saw 30 households benefit from the charity initiative mounted by the Kimilili parliamentary aspirant.

Nguti also intents to continue supporting primary school learners from low income households by providing free uniforms to learners.He will involve local tailors from Kimilili constituency in the uniform program.

Popular know as Sisiafusie,Nguti believes supporting disadvantaged children is a collective responsibility,extending beyond elected leaders,and encourages anyone able to contribute to this cause.


Mr.Nguti,has been behind a number of projects geared towards uplifting communities such as helping needy learners raises fees.

He has also been supporting talent among youths by sponsoring tournaments as well as contributing to fundraising.

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